Things had gotten pretty lean over here because the State has not sent me a disability payment since October. Not a great thing to happen right before Christmas. I've had a disability application pending with the Social Security Administration since August. For anyone who doesn't know, it is a very slow process, that usually involves two denials, two appeals hearings and legal representation before one is approved for benefits. I filled out all the appropriate initial paperwork and had a brief telephone interview right after I applied. Later I was sent a questionnaire asking how my ability to work was impaired by my illness. I had to fill this out, along with another person who knows me and could fully answer the same questions. After that, I've heard nothing.
Yesterday, a large amount of money was deposited into our checking account by the SSA. I haven't received a letter of approval, denial or even requesting more information. No request to see one of their physicians. I do know they sent letters to both my psychiatrist and my therapist. My therapist was kind enough to give me a synopsis of his response. At any rate, it appears I'm approved. I just would like to have a letter explaining what my rate is, what period the payment covers, etc. etc. I have to let the State know they don't have to pay me anymore, and I have to alert my LTD plan that I am going to be paid SSDI so they can recalculate the rate that they pay me and what, if any, overpayment has occurred. (They get to take credit for any overlap between their benefits and SSDI). But there is nothing in the mail from the SSA. I'm sure I'll get something soon, I just don't want to be in a situation where we come up short on money to be paid back to either the State, LTD, or both.
It certainly was nice to be able to go out and do more Christmas shopping. We had expected it to be a very spare holiday, and it suddenly seemed like it was going to be a bonanza! The kids will be happy this year, they aren't getting any clothes for Christmas, it's all toys.
As for me, my best Christmas present is just being approved for SSDI without having to go through the whole denial and appeals process. Almost everyone is denied the first time. It's not uncommon to be denied a second time, too. How in the world did I get so lucky that it didn't happen to me? Is it because I was hospitalized before? Is it because of my three ER visits in 3 days during my psychotic break? Who knows?
I'm relieved that I don't have to wait and worry that I'm too close to my benefits running out while they take their time. We have a set income to count on until our children start reaching the age of 18, since benefits are paid to them as well as to me. They will stop being paid when they reach the age of majority. My portion of the benefit will be paid until I die, or until SSA goes bankrupt; whichever comes first. It's a big weight off my mind. For now, our take home is almost as much as it was when I worked, so we should be able to live and save quite comfortably.
Peace of mind. What a great Christmas gift. It may not be as good as Peace on Earth, but I'll take it.
You Know You’re Getting Old When…
9 years ago