Monday, August 10, 2009

Unpacking My Life

The major portion of the move is finished, thankfully. We still have odds and ends to move into storage and major unpacking and organizing to do, but I am grateful to be done with the big stuff. Everyone seems to be adjusting nicely to our new situation as well.

To top it all off, I seem to have achieved a level of stability. I haven't had any deep paranoid delusions for a couple of weeks. I had one fleeting one when Mr. PolarBabe and I had the big fight a couple weeks ago, but it didn't take hold like they normally do. I had those three down days following it, but then I came back up from it and have been at the level I am at since. I'm not 100%, but I'm a helluva lot better than I have been. The idea of being around people or going anywhere still puts me in a certain state. I'm still grateful for the progress I've made.

I have to fill out LTD forms now. I've completed most of them, but they require so much information that it is taking a long time to get it done. A lot of it is confusing. I have to turn it in as soon as possible, though. I'd better get that finished today. Next thing is to apply for SSDI next month and start that process, even though benefits aren't payable until 1 year of disability. All this makes my head spin. It's hard to get my mind around the idea that I can't do what I once did so easily and so well. The next question invariably becomes "What will I do now?" That's not a question I can answer now, nor should I try yet, according to my therapist. I will just have to let my mind run over it every now and then. The question is then "What will I do eventually?" I guess.

Now I'm gearing up for school to start in a couple weeks. It's hard to believe I will have two in school this year. How in the world am I going to keep the little one entertained? Hahahaha. They are all growing up so fast on me.

So, life continues on. I'm grateful to have one that does.